When you first minimise WMP 9, you’ll be shown how to engage a Mini-Player mode that displays the player controls on the Taskbar. When playing audio, a visualisation effect will run from inside the Now Playing tab like videos, they can be viewed in full screen by pressing. You can change the visualisation type by going to Visualizations from the View menu. The Plug-ins tab allows you to select which visualisation plug-in you wish to use, as well as linking to Microsoft’s to find more plug-ins on that Web site. Other options in the Copy Music tab include selecting the directory where copied music files are stored, and the audio quality at which copied music is saved. You may choose to untick this if you wish to play any files you’ve created on another computer. Under Copy Music, ‘copy protect music’ is ticked by default. Other tabs in options include Player where you can (thankfully) stop Media Player starting up in the (Internet-content) Media Guide view.

You can also define associated file types later by going to Tools-Options and selecting the File Types tab.

After completing the privacy options, you can select the file types for which you want WMP 9 to be the default player. During installation of WMP 9 you can set privacy options such as electing whether or not to retrieve CD and DVD information automatically from the Internet, as well as deciding if you want to save a URL and file history in the player.